Dear Trinity Family,
Each year, the church gathers to remember and anticipate the coming of our Lord and Redeemer: Jesus. This season of anticipation is called Advent, from the Latin adventus which
means coming or arrival. It is a season of standing in between: waiting alongside Israel for her promised Messiah who will be born in Bethlehem, but also awaiting his second coming
when all things will be restored. We know the ending, and we long for its coming. We stand in this in-between, saved but still waiting, a mother in labour, the bride awaiting her groom.
Historically, the people of God have celebrated these seasons of the church year in community, and we continue this today as we gather on Sundays. But as we are sent out to our
disparate lives each week, it can be easy to lose sight of the seasons which frame our lives and the community in which we participate. This set of exercises attempts to bridge that,
helping us gather together, in our homes, and participating in the greater body of Christ across the world in this season.
Each week’s devotion contains a reading or reflection on the weekly Scripture, a carol, an art print for pondering, poetry, and a prayer or collect to close. The colours for Advent are
commonly purple, blue, and pink. Each week of Advent we light a candle, to mark the growing light of Christ’s coming presence. We have included a set of three purple and one pink.
We encourage you to set a regular time for moving through each week’s reflection. As the weeks of Advent turn over each Sunday, consider doing this devotion on Saturday or Sunday,
perhaps over a meal. There are two readings for each week, along with activities. You may wish to break up the devotion into two different events to accomodate children. You might also
consider switching “leaders” halfway through each devotional.
Our hope and prayer is that we (and all Christians) would be changed through this season of Advent. May we learn to see God more fully, and may we joyfully await his coming among us.
May God himself, the God of peace,
make you perfect and holy,
and keep you safe and blameless, in spirit, soul
and body, for the coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen
Grace and peace to you,
Connor, Fr Tim, Andrew, Cassie,
Bryan, Darla, Daniel, & Beth
Week One • Holy, Holy, Holy
Week Two • In The Bleak Midwinter
Week Three • Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Week Four • Angels from the Realms of Glory