Creating environments for children and teenagers to meet the living God


Mission & Vision

Trinity’s Family Ministry exists to create environments for children and teenagers to meet the living God, find a place of belonging, and to connect them with loving adults to guide and walk the journey of faith with them.


Children are integral members of the family of God, deeply loved by Christ and our community.


Core Values

  • Compliance is not a primary marker of spiritual maturity. Rather, a deep and abiding love of Jesus is. We strive to preach the Gospel of grace into our students’ lives so that they might know the freedom of Christ and the glorious new life found in union with him.

  • The healthy soil in which disciples of Jesus grow is a joyful connection to God and to one another. We strive to make Next Gen ministries places where children experience the message “it is good for me to be here with you.”

  • Parents have unparalleled influence on the lives of their children so we strive to partner with them rather than take over their role. We commit to good communication with parents, resourcing families, and creating opportunities for parents to be the spiritual heroes of their kids.


Teenagers are not problems to solve, but wonders to behold.


Developmental Goals

  • Embrace
    In our early childhood classrooms we emphasize embracing the needs of our children as a witness to God’s great love for us and his desire to remake fallen humans into his beloved children.

  • Engage
    In our school age classrooms we focus on engaging students’ imaginations and intellects that they might come to experience God’s big story and how that story bursts into their own stories with hope and new life.

  • Affirm
    With our middle school students we prioritize affirming their true identities as new creations in Christ as they walk through the complex changes of puberty and newly emerging questions.

  • Mobilize
    As our students enter high school we set our eyes on what’s coming next, and prepare to mobilize them as mature followers of Jesus, ready to serve as witnesses to the Gospel of Grace now and into adulthood.


Ministry Spaces

  • Embracing our infants’ needs for love, care, and security. This room is a space devoted to prayer and communicating the welcoming love of God to our smallest members.

  • Embracing our toddlers' need for connection, play, and story. This room gives our little ones lots of space to make friends and have fun, as well as an opportunity to sit for a short Bible story that puts Jesus on center stage.

  • Engaging our young students’ imagination, curiosity, and growing personalities. These classrooms use the God’s Big Story curriculum to expand our students’ knowledge of the Bible and teach them how to respond to God’s Word in two unique and age appropriate formats.

  • Engaging our older students’ desire for knowledge, growing faith, and burgeoning independence. This classroom uses the New City Catechism curriculum to drive the core teachings of the Christian faith deep into the minds and hearts of our students, as well as a Bible overview curriculum to help them understand the whole scope of the Word of God and how it always points us to Jesus.

  • Affirming and Mobilizing teenagers in their identity in Christ and their role as ambassadors for the Gospel. Our youth group spans from 6th-12th grade and includes Biblical teaching, fun community building, small group time for going deep, and discipleship courses specific to middle and high school to train our students in the catechism and prepare them for a mature profession of faith.


Family Team

Connor Jackson

Youth and Family Minister •

Cassie Elmer

Early Childhood Coordinator & Youth Ministries Coordinator •

Daniel Schroeder

Ministry Adminstrator •